Constant Story ""; Constant Headline "^A speedIF O entry^Program by David Welbourn (^"; Release "1"; Serial "010618"; Constant MAX_SCORE = 0; Constant DIALECT_US = 1; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; Object confloor "Convention Floor" with description "You are at the astrology convention in Alaska.", has light; Object chest "large chest" confloor with name "large" "chest" "trunk", description "This is a large chest, or trunk, which is being used to support a light luncheon for the convention guests.", react_after [; Open: print "Ah! The horror! Your heart skips a beat in fear! "; rfalse; ], has openable container static; Object luncheon "luncheon" confloor with name "lunch" "luncheon" "food", description "The luncheon on the chest is somewhat eclectic, featuring, amongst other things, an okra and seaweed salad, elderberry wine, a box of Cracker Jack(tm), and a selection of chocolate Kinder Eggs(tm).", before [; Eat: "Please refer to which luncheon items you wish to eat."; ], has static; Object okra "okra and seaweed salad" confloor with name "okra" "and" "seaweed" "salad", description "It looks green and leafy. It looks like it's been dusted with powdered sugar.", after [; Take: give self ~concealed; ], has concealed edible; Object wine "glass of elderberry wine" confloor with name "elderberry" "wine" "glass" "of" "red", description "It's a glass of red wine. You can tell it's elderberry wine by its distinctive fruity-and-arsenic smell.", before [; Drink: deadflag = 1; "You drink the elderberry wine containing the arsenic and promptly keel over as your heart fails..."; ], after [; Take: give self ~concealed; ], has concealed; Object popcorn "box of Cracker Jack(tm)" confloor with name "box" "of" "cracker" "jack" "peanuts" "popcorn" "carmel" "peanut" "candy", description "It's a box of Cracker Jack(tm), basically carmel popcorn and peanuts. There's usually a wimpy prize inside too.", after [; Take: give self ~concealed; ], has openable concealed container edible; Object elastic "elastic band" popcorn with name "elastic" "band" "prize", description "It's an elastic band. Like, some prize, eh?"; Object egg "Kinder Egg(tm)" confloor with name "kinder" "egg" "eggs" "chocolate" "candy", description "It's a chocolate Kinder Egg(tm). Kinder Eggs have neat prizes inside, much much better than Cracker Jack(tm).", before [; Close: "Sorry. You can't mend a broken egg."; ], after [; Take: give self ~concealed; ], has openable concealed container edible; Object gyroscope "gyroscope" egg with name "gyro" "gyroscope" "toy" "prize", description "This is the coolest Kinder Egg(tm) prize ever! A gyroscope!"; Object alex "the dead body of Alexander The Great" chest with name "alexander" "the" "great" "alex" "general" "man" "corpse" "body" "cavader" "frozen" "stiff", description "This is the frozen body of Alexander the Great. Dead, of course -- he died in 323 B.C. -- but still looking great! For a corpse, that is.", has proper male static; Object neil "Neil Gaiman" confloor with name "neil" "gaiman" "man" "artist" "author", description "Neil Gaiman is your favourite comic book author, ever.", life [; Give: if (noun == comics && neil hasnt general) "~I'm hungry!~, Mr. Gaiman pouts."; else if (noun == comics) { deadflag = 2; "Mr. Gaiman magnanimously signs your Sandman collection! At last! At last! All your fellow geeks will be so jealous..."; } else if (noun == okra) "~I can't eat that!~, Mr. Gaiman exclaims. ~It's covered with Nutri-Sweet! If I eat that, I get migranes.~"; else if (noun == popcorn) "~Oh thanks, but no thanks. Peanut allergy, don'tcha know.~"; else if (noun == wine) "~Are you trying to kill me? That's laced with arsenic!~"; else if (noun == egg && egg has open) "~That egg's already been opened.~"; else if (noun == egg) { remove egg; give neil general; "~Thanks!~ Neil Gaiman opens the Kinder Egg(tm), removes the prize inside and eats the chocolate. ~Yum, my favourite. Anything I can do for you?~"; } ], has proper male animate; Object comics "your Sandman comic book collection" with name "comics" "comic" "book" "books" "collection" "your" "sandman" "dc" "vertigo" "graphic" "novels" "novel", description "Actually, FYI, these are *not* mere comic books. They are ~graphic novels~. They're in near-mint condition and in distressing need of Neil Gaiman's autograph.", has proper; !------------------------------------------------------------- [ Initialise ; location = confloor; move comics to Player; score = 0; "^^^^^^Well, here you are, in sunny sunny Alaska!! (That's sarcasm, by the way.) You're here to get your favorite comic book author, Neil Gaiman, to sign your entire collection of Sandman comic books. For some reason, he's here for an astrology convention. And of course, *that's* in Alaska, because that's where the Faboo Telescope is, in middle of nowheresville. Ah, the rough life of a comic book fan..."; ]; Include "Grammar";