
Key & Compass presents:
I don't remember why this game is called "Onion"
by Dan Shiovitz

I don't remember why this game is called "Onion" is a TADS 2 interactive fiction game and is © 1999 by Dan Shiovitz. It was an entry in the Speed-IF 4 event.

In this short silly game, you play as someone on Mars visiting the pretend Eiffel Tower that aliens built in the past. Features Nostradamus and a hose-pipe and not much else.

This solution is by David Welbourn.


climb Nostradamus'Cabana PretendEiffel Tower Atop theEiffel Tower (set ofLGOP3) d

Pretend Eiffel Tower

> x tower. climb.

Atop the Eiffel Tower

> x pipe. take it. d.

Pretend Eiffel Tower

> e.

By the way, what's your name? David (or whatever your name is)

You briefly visit the set of "Leather Goddesses of Phobos 3" and return.

> n.

Nostradamus' Cabana

> x Nostradamus. give pipe to Nostradamus.

> s. climb. (+99)

Mission complete. The game ends.



I should also note that the player-character is called Gordon J Stomach if you just press ENTER in response to the "what's your name" prompt.



In a total of some turns, you have achieved a score of your-score points out of a possible 100.

There might be a "last lousy point" in this game. Any idea how to get it?

Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since I wrote this walkthrough prior to January 2015 when I began my Patreon account, and also because the work it's based on has less than fifteen locations (so I wouldn't have charged for it anyway). I've since reformatted this walkthrough to use my currently preferred style. I hope you enjoy it!

I'm still creating new walkthroughs! Larger ones too! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.