
Key & Compass presents:
Infiltration on Io
by Ryan N. Freebern

Infiltration on Io is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 7 and is © 2001 by Ryan N. Freebern. It was a participant in the Speed-IF 2001 event.

In this short game, you play as a secret agent sent from Earth to the Plexon colony on Jupiter's moon, Io. An intelligence agent will meet you at the waste port to give you your mission.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 1 of the game.


An unre-markablesection ofstairwell An unre-markablesection ofstairwell An un-remarkablepassageway An un-remarkablepassageway An un-remarkablepassageway An un-remarkablepassageway A StorageRoom The Kitchenof theRistoranteIotalian PlexonMaintenanceHatchway An unre-markablesection ofstairwell An unre-markablesection ofstairwell At the edgeof thePlexon dome The PlexonWaste Port On top of theTavian ridge Stealthcapsule By theremnantsof yourspace capsule d d u d d d e out An unre-markablesection ofstairwell (die) An unre-markablepassageway(die) An unre-markablesection ofstairwell (die) An unre-markablepassageway(die) An un-remarkablepassageway(die) An un-remarkablepassageway(die) An unre-markablesection ofstairwell (die) An unre-markablesection ofstairwell (die) The PlexonStarshipDock (die) u u w w out n n u w n in

Stealth capsule

Although your contact motions you IN the hatch, you must go DOWN.

> out. n. d. e. d.

Plexon Maintenance Hatchway

> x Brutus. n.

A Storage Room

Brutus tells you your mission: put these croutons in the ambassador's food. He'll be in the restaurant two levels down. Hurry!

> x croutons.

> out. e. nw. d. se. sw. s. d. n.

The kitchen of the Ristorante Iotalian

Refer to the waiter as "boy", not "waiter". You put croutons IN food, not ON food.

> x boy. x ambassador. x salad. x bass. x steak.

> put croutons in salad.





Thank You to my Patreon supporters

This walkthrough is provided free of charge since I wrote this walkthrough prior to January 2015 when I began my Patreon account. I've since reformatted this walkthrough to use my currently preferred style. I hope you enjoy it!

I'm still creating new walkthroughs! Please visit my Patreon account if you're interested in helping me create more interactive fiction walkthroughs. I appreciate all the help I can get! Thanks again.