
Key & Compass presents:
by Brendan Barnwell

Lomalow is a Z-machine interactive fiction game written with Inform 6 and is © 1999 by Brendan Barnwell. It was an entry in IF Comp 1999 where it took 21st place.

You play as a hiker who just miraculously survived an avalanche. You soon discover you're in a rather isolated area which inexplicably contains the log cabin home of an old man and woman. It's odd. You should talk to them. Perhaps they will eventually tell you what you need to know.

This solution is by David Welbourn, and is based on Release 0 of the game.


in out out in d in u out Endpointof theAvalanche Rockface Waterfall TheOpaquing Orchard Corral Garden Bedroom LivingRoom Kitchen In the Pit Insidethe Tree In Front ofthe Cabin Pit In Frontof theTree Cliff


The Endpoint of the Avalanche

> x me. i. x clothes. x avalanche.

> x backpack. take it. (No, it's damaged.)

> open pack. x equipment. (Junk.)

> x compass. take it. x granola. take it. x spoon. take it.

> s. ne.

Rock face

> x face. sw. w.


> x waterfall. e. s.


You can't knock on the door; just go "in". The inhabitants of the cabin are quite unconcerned with a stranger walking through their home.

> x vegetables. x cabin. in.


> x cupboard. x fridge. x table.

> open fridge. x fruit. take fruit. close fridge.

> w.

Living Room

Topics that don't seem to work are woman/herself, husband.

> x woman. x knitting. x fireplace. x couch.

> ask woman about avalanche. ask woman about fruit.

> ask woman about mountain. ask woman about waterfall.

> ask woman about garden. ask woman about animals.

> w.


> x man. x bed. x tables. x cradle.

> ask man about avalanche. ask man about fruit.

> ask man about garden. ask man about mountain.

The man leaves. He'll next be found near the waterfall. Perhaps we should explore more.

> e. out. n. w.


> x animals. w.


> x trees. x fruit.

> take fruitoreat fruit.

> e. e. s. e.


> x pit. (Bottom is grass-covered too.)

> w. s.


> x cliff. n. sw.

In Front of the Tree

> x tree. in.

Inside the Tree

> take book. x book. read book. (Text dump!)

You learn about the cautious Phoenix (or Lomalow).

> out. ne. in.

Living Room

> ask woman about child. g. g. g. g. g. g. g.

> ask woman about book. g. g. g.

> ask woman about tree. g. g. g.

> ask woman about cliff. g. g.

> ask woman about granola. ask woman about spoon.

> ask woman about pit. g. g. g. g. g.

> ask woman about orchard. g.

> ask woman about avalanche. g.

> ask woman about corral. g. g.

> e. out. n. w.


> ask man about waterfall. g.

> ask man about son. g. g. g. g. g. g. g.

> ask man about pit. g. g.

He leaves. He is now in front of the cabin.

> e. s. s.

In Front of the Cabin

> ask man about book. g. g. g.

> ask man about tree. g. g. g.

> ask man about pit.

He leaves. He's now in the orchard.

> n. w. w.


> ask man about trees. ask man about fruit.

He leaves. He's now in the kitchen.

> e. e. in.


> ask man about pit. (He gives you a ladder.)

> x ladder.

> out. s. e.


> put ladder in pit. d.

In the Pit

> x board. take board.

> u. w. in.

Living Room

It's now a matter of trying to exhaust the conversation topics with both old people.

> ask woman about board. g. g. g. g.

> ask woman about waterfall.

> ask woman about garden.

> e.


> ask man about board. g. g. g. g.

> ask man about cliff. g. g.

> ask man about animals. g. g.

He leaves. He is now in the corral.

> out. w.


> ask man about animals.

> ask man about granola. g. (He took it and ate it.)

> ask man about compass. ask man about spoon.

> ask man about mountain.

He leaves. He is now at the waterfall.

> ne. w.


> ask man about avalanche. g.

> ask man about garden.

> ask man about orchard.

> ask man about pit.

> e. s. s. in.

Living Room

You should now be reading a huge text dump. (If this didn't happen, you missed a topic somewhere. Use HINT to get a suggestion of who to ask about what. When there are no more topics to ask anyone, return to the old woman.)

In summary: You empathize with the woman and this triggers from her a burst of emotions, a scream, her death, and transformation into a dead bird. The old man bursts in with a rifle and drags you to the cliff and demands you FLY.

The Cliff

You have very few options here except to do what the old man demands.

> fly.

*** You have won ***





Thank You to my Patreon supporters

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