The Blue System: Spiral

Blue Stardisc, in the Spiral System (dbref #9474)

@dig Blue Stardisc, in the Spiral System
@field #9474 = exit_0 : 9529
@field #9474 = exit_1 : 10334
@field #9474 = nexits : 4
@field #9474 = exit_2 : 11319
@field #9474 = exit_3 : 11320
@zone #9474 = #10719
@desc #9474 = @tell("%#","The blue stardisc is rigged out like the
 lovechild of Captain Nemo's _Nautilus_ and Terry Gilliam's _Brazil_.
 Which is to say, there are pipes strewn haphazardly above you, circular
 portholes in the walls, and a monstrous \"piano\" in the corner.
 A conventional door leads south."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

north (dbref #9529)

@open north;n;white gate = #9075
@odrop #9529 = arrives from the Spiral System
@field #9529 = exitto : white gate to Spaceport Eon
@osucc #9529 = exits through the white gate to the north.
@succe #9529 = You catch the next shuttle back to the spaceport...
@desc #9529 = @tell("%#","The white gate to the north has an animated hologram of Spaceport Eon
 floating above its archway."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

piano (dbref #10414)

@create piano;keyboard;organ
@lock #10414 = #-1
@zone #10414 = #10719
@desc #10414 = @tell("%#","The \"piano\" might also be called an organ,
 since it uses pipes and bells as well as a hammers and strings arrangement.
 The three-tiered keyboard has, um... lessee, six keys in a group,
 twenty groups on a tier,... that's 360 keys."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #10414 = @tell("%#","The \"piano\" is so large, even Mac the Macron would have
 difficultly picking it up."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10414 = push : @tell("%#","The montrous piano is unmoved by your pitiful attempt."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10414 = pull : @tell("%#","The montrous piano is unmoved by your pitiful attempt."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

south (dbref #10334)

@open south;s;enter door;door;south door;southern door;enter south door;
 enter southern door = #10333
@odrop #10334 = enters from the northern door.
@field #10334 = exitto : to Transport Bonanza
@osucc #10334 = goes through the southern door.
@succe #10334 = You walk through the southern door...
@desc #10334 = @tell("%#","The southern door is a normal wooden door
 with hinges."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

northwest (dbref #11319)

@open northwest;nw;violet gate = #9475
@odrop #11319 = arrives from the Spiral System.
@field #11319 = exitto : violet gate to Pulsar
@osucc #11319 = exits northwest through the violet gate.
@succe #11319 = You catch a shuttle to...
@desc #11319 = @tell("%#","The violet gate to the northwest has an animated hologram of the Pulsar system
 floating above its archway."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

northeast (dbref #11320)

@open northeast;ne;green gate = #9453
@odrop #11320 = arrives from the Spiral System.
@field #11320 = exitto : green gate to Six-Pact
@osucc #11320 = exits northeast through the green gate.
@succe #11320 = You catch a shuttle to...
@desc #11320 = @tell("%#","The green gate to the northeast has an animated hologram of the Six-Pact system
 floating above its archway."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Top 10 comic book (dbref #10939)

@create Top 10 comic book;top ten comic book;top 10;top ten;comic book;
@field #10939 = reset : @move(10939,9474)
@osucc #10939 = picks up the Top 10 comic book.
@succe #10939 = @tell("%#","You pick up the Top 10 comic book.");
@drop #10939 = @tell("%#","You drop the Top 10 comic book.");
@odrop #10939 = drops a Top 10 comic book.
@zone #10939 = #10719
@desc #10939 = @tell("%#","A copy of Top Ten #10 by Alan Moore, published
 by America's Best Comics. Top Ten is the name of a police precinct in
 Neopolis, a multi-tiered \"strontium wedding cake\" of a city where
 absolutely everyone is a science-hero or science-villain. In this issue,
 several plotlines converge explosively when Commisioner Ultima is accused
 of murdering a drug runner. By story's end, several characters are dead,
 including Ultima who dies of a drug overdose."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Transport Bonanza (dbref #10333)

@dig Transport Bonanza
@zone #10333 = #10719
@field #10333 = exit_0 : 10335
@field #10333 = exit_1 : 10338
@field #10333 = nexits : 6
@field #10333 = exit_2 : 10340
@field #10333 = exit_3 : 10341
@field #10333 = exit_4 : 10343
@field #10333 = exit_5 : 10344
@desc #10333 = @tell("%#","A bizarre variety of teleportation devices await your pleasure.
 Presumably, each will take you to a different planet in the Spiral system."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

north (dbref #10335)

@open north;n;out;exit;enter door;door;north door;northern door;
 enter north door;enter northern door = #9474
@field #10335 = exitto : to Blue StarDisc
@desc #10335 = @tell("%#","It's a door back to the Blue StarDisc, and
 surprisingly normal and practical for this system.");
@osucc #10335 = goes through the northern door, back to the stardisc.
@succe #10335 = You walk through the northern door...
@odrop #10335 = enters from the southern door.

gull (dbref #10338)

@open gull;ride gull;ride seagull;seagull;get on gull;get on seagull;mount gull;mount seagull = #10415
@odrop #10338 = arrives, riding a glass seagull. After its passenger has dismounted, the gull flies away home.
@field #10338 = exitto : ride seagull
@osucc #10338 = mounts the gull, and is carried away. Moments later, the gull returns.
@succe #10338 = You mount the glass seagull, and it flies away, out into space. The question of how you can
 be breathing in pure vacuum is pushed aside by the sudden overview of the Spiral system. Five planets are
 revolving around their sun in spiral formation, in order, from smallest to largest. Somehow, you can tell
 that the speed of the planets' orbits have been altered to stabilize their distances. You have no time to
 reflect on this, as the gull approaches the closest and smallest of the planets, a pale lavender world, and lands.
@desc #10338 = @tell("%#","It's a small glass airplane in the shape of a seagull. Above it, a floating sign
 says \"Cloneworld\"."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

tube (dbref #10340)

@open tube;enter tube;enter vacuum tube;enter vacuum;get in tube;get in vacuum tube;up;u = #10416
@odrop #10340 = suddenly falls out of the vacuum tube.
@field #10340 = exitto : enter vacuum tube
@osucc #10340 = enters the tube, and is carried up and away by a powerful vacuum.
@succe #10340 = You enter the tube. A moment later, the tesla coils flare and flash, then a powerful vacuum
 sucks you up, depositing you at...
@desc #10340 = @tell("%#","It's one of those giant vacuum tubes ornamented with tesla coils that mad scientists
 love so much. Circling around the tube, a cloud of iron filings spell out the word \"Oxolixil\".");

alcove (dbref #10341)

@open alcove;sit in alcove;enter alcove;get in alcove;couch;sit on couch;sit = #10417
@odrop #10341 = enters via the alcove, which just revolved 180 degrees through the wall.
@field #10341 = exitto : sit on couch
@drop #10341 = You stand up again.
@osucc #10341 = sits on the couch. Carnival music plays briefly as the entire alcove revolves
 clockwise through the wall.
@succe #10341 = You sit on the couch. Carnival music plays briefly as the entire alcove revolves
 clockwise through the wall to...
@desc #10341 = @tell("%#","It's a semi-circular alcove set halfway into the wall, containing
 a semi-circular couch. Ever so 60s. Inscribed on the wall that frames the alcove is the word \"Djetsetia\".");

pole (dbref #10343)

@open pole;batpole;slide down pole;slide down batpole;down;d;bat-pole;slide down bat-pole = #10418
@odrop #10343 = comes down the batpole!
@field #10343 = exitto : slide down batpole
@drop #10343 = You are relieved to note that you are not wearing a 'Boy Wonder' costume.
@osucc #10343 = slides down the batpole! Holy contrivance, Batman!
@succe #10343 = You slide down the batpole! Holy greased monkey!
@desc #10343 = @tell("%#","It's labelled \"Bat-Pole to Neopolis\"."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

circle (dbref #10344)

@open circle;black circle;stand on circle;stand on black circle;step on circle;step on black
 circle;get on circle;get on black circle;enter circle;enter black circle;hole = #10419
@odrop #10344 = 's body makes a partial appearance, followed almost immediately by the rest.
@field #10344 = exitto : step on black circle
@osucc #10344 = is sucked into the black circle, in an unfamiliar direction.
@field #10344 = push : @tell("%#","Your hand dwindles disorientingly to a point, like railroad tracks
 vanishing toward the horizon."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@succe #10344 = You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of the
 other directions with which you're familiar.
@desc #10344 = @tell("%#","It's like staring into an eternal void of blackest infinity sucking up all life
 and thought and hope and being -- or, like what you see after getting your face smashed in a bar fight.
 You can pick the metaphor you're most familiar with."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Cloneworld aka Spiral One.

Gullport, Cloneworld (dbref #10415)

@dig Gullport, Cloneworld
@field #10415 = exit_0 : 10425
@field #10415 = nexits : 1
@zone #10415 = #10719
@desc #10415 = @tell("%#","This flat penisula of rock and ice is a
 natural landing pad for the gull that brought you here, but provides
 no protection against the chill night air. Artifical moons in the
 starless sky provide light enough to see the surrounding lake and
 the distant mountains. The only signs of civizilation are the glass
 gulls, and a wide ramp leading down into a tunnel in the rock.");

gull (dbref #10425)

@open gull;gulls;ride gull;ride seagull;seagull;get on gull;get on seagull;
 mount gull;mount seagull;bird;ride bird;get on bird;mount bird = #10333
@odrop #10425 = arrives, riding a glass seagull. After its passenger has
 dismounted, the gull flies away home.
@field #10425 = exitto : to Transport Bonanza
@osucc #10425 = mounts the gull, and is carried away. Moments later, the gull returns.
@succe #10425 = You mount the glass seagull, and it flies away, out into
 space, carrying you back to the stardisc. Magnificent.
@desc #10425 = @tell("%#","It's an airplane, made of glass, in the shape
 of a seagull."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

down (dbref #11347)

@open down;d;ramp;tunnel;in = nowhere
@succe #11347 = [Alas, the rest of Cloneworld is currently closed for
 Ice Beer Day celebrations. Please come back later.]
@desc #11347 = @tell("%#","A wide tunnel, or ramp, leads down inside this
 rocky peninsula."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

moon (dbref #11348)

@create moon;moons;artificial moon;artificial moons;lights;light
@set #11348 = dark
@lock #11348 = #-1
@desc #11348 = @tell("%#","The moons emit a pure white light that
 illuminates the land. They're obviously artificial: they bob
 ever-so-slightly in the air, and you see no imperfections on their
 perfectly round surfaces."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #11348 = @tell("%#","The moons of Cloneworld are pearls beyond
 price, and also beyond your reach."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

sky (dbref #11349)

@create sky;stars;air;night
@set #11349 = dark
@lock #11349 = #-1
@desc #11349 = @tell("%#","The night sky is black and starless.
 The upper atmosphere must be dense enough to block any starlight.
 That explains the fake moons. And why it's so cold.");
@fail #11349 = @tell("%#","The air is the air. What can be done?"); @call(10633,"each_turn");

lake (dbref #11350)

@create lake;water;reflections
@set #11350 = dark
@lock #11350 = #-1
@desc #11350 = @tell("%#","Despite the cold, the lake isn't frozen over.
 You can see rippling reflections of the moons in the water.
 Either the lake is heated - perhaps by natural hot springs?
 - or that's not h2o out there."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #11350 = @tell("%#","You can hardly take a lake."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

mountains (dbref #11351)

@create mountains;distant mountains;rock;land;ice;snow
@set #11351 = dark
@lock #11351 = #-1
@desc #11351 = @tell("%#","All the land in sight seems to be low-lying
 mountains, most of it covered in ice and snow. Hmm. If there's any
 vegetation, you don't see it."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@fail #11351 = @tell("%#","Don't be ridiculous. They may be small for
 mountains, but they're still mountains."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Port 4000, Oxolixil (dbref #10416)

@dig Port 4000, Oxolixil
@field #10416 = exit_0 : 10426
@field #10416 = nexits : 1
@zone #10416 = #10719
@desc #10416 = @tell("%#","Ugh. This place isn't for humans. The entry port to this planet is a Nekker Cube.
 Are you outside, standing on top of a cubical island in the middle of a vast sea circling below you?
 Or are you inside, standing inside that very same cube, with that same vast sea circling above you?");

tube (dbref #10426)

@open tube;enter tube;enter vacuum tube;enter vacuum;get in tube;get in vacuum tube;up;u;out;exit = #10333
@odrop #10426 = suddenly falls out of the vacuum tube.
@field #10426 = exitto : to Transport Bonanza
@osucc #10426 = enters the tube, and is carried up and away by a powerful vacuum.
@succe #10426 = You enter the tube. A moment later, the tesla coils flare and flash, then a powerful vacuum
 sucks you up, depositing you at...
@desc #10426 = @tell("%#","It's one of those giant vacuum tubes ornamented with tesla coils that mad scientists
 love so much."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

the Statue of Identity (dbref #11607)

@create the Statue of Identity;statue;identity;pillar;the big one;big one;one;1;tsoi
@lock #11607 = #-1
@fail #11607 = @tell("%#","You can grasp the concept of identity, but you can't literally take it.");
@desc #11607 = @tell("%#","It's a giant pillar, carved of some luminous material, welcoming travelers
 into port like a lighthouse. Yea, verily, this is the Big One."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #11607 = push : @tell("%#","The statue feels quite solid."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

the Circle of Absence (dbref #11608)

@create the Circle of Absence;circle of absence;circle;absence;hole;nothing;the big zero;big zero;zero;0;tcoa
@lock #11608 = #-1
@fail #11608 = @tell("%#","Sorry, you can't take nothing. Therefore, logically, you must have taken
 something.%c[Oops! Sorry. You'd normally get something here, but, um, it's out of stock. Yeah.
 Out of stock.]"); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@ofail #11608 = fails to do something impossible, and therefore succeeds in doing something possible.
@desc #11608 = @tell("%#","You see special nothing.%c(Sorry.) It's really a giant circular frame of darkness,
 surrounding empty air. That is, you can see through the middle of the circle and see the port on the other
 side, but the circle itself? It's Nothing. So, the Circle of Absence is actually a hole with a hole in it.
 Yea, verily, this is the Big Zero."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #11608 = push : @tell("%#","You feel nothing. Not, \"nothing unusual\", just... nothing.");

enter circle (dbref #11609)

@open enter the Circle of Absence;enter circle of absence;enter circle;enter absence;enter
 hole;enter nothing;enter the big zero;enter big zero;enter zero;enter 0;enter tcoa = nowhere
@set #11609 = dark
@osuccess #11609 = steps through the Circle of Absence, but nothing happens.
@success #11609 = @tell("%#","You step through the Circle of Absence. Nothing happens."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

sea (dbref #11610)

@create sea;vast sea;water
@set #11610 = dark
@lock #11610 = #-1
@fail #11610 = @tell("%#","The vast sea is beyond your reach."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@desc #11610 = @tell("%#","You're could get seasick just looking at this sea, the way it won't stay still,
 now above you, now below you. At least it's the right color."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Martini-o-mimi Restaurant, Djetsetia (dbref #10417)

@dig Martini-o-mimi Restaurant, Djetsetia
@field #10417 = exit_0 : 10427
@field #10417 = nexits : 1
@zone #10417 = #10719
@desc #10417 = @tell("%#","This pleasant dinner club is world-famous,
 at least here, on the planet Djetsetia. It's not just the good food,
 drinks, service, and decor. Everyone comes here to hear Serena,
 the Siren, sing."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #10417 = the_songline : 0
@field #10417 = the_sound : // this value constantly changes
@field #10417 = playsong :
    @tellroom(@location("%#"),"","The Siren pauses to take a sip from her drink."),
    @setfield(5175,"listen","The Siren isn't singing at the moment."),
    @setfield(10417,"the_sound","You hear only the sounds of cultery being used and
     quiet dinner chat, while the Siren pauses between songs.")
   "\"",@tellroom(@location("%#"),"","Serena sings, %z"),
    @tellroom(@location("%#"),"",@print("Serena announces that her next song will be ",@substr("%z",1))),
    @setfield(5175,"listen",@print("Serena the Siren is singing an enchanting version of ",@substr("%z",1))),
    @setfield(10417,"the_sound",@print("Serena the Siren enchants the room with her bewitching
     rendition of ",@substr("%z",1)))
@field #10417 = each_turn : @call(10417,"playsong")
@field #10417 = listen : @getfield(10417,"the_sound")
@field #10417 = songline_0 : (pause)
@field #10417 = songline_1 : ="Love Hurts" by F. Bryant and B. Bryant.
@field #10417 = songline_2 : "Love hurts. Love scars. Love wounds. And mars."
@field #10417 = songline_3 : "Any heart not tough or strong enough..."
@field #10417 = songline_4 : "To take a lot of pain. Take a lot of pain."
@field #10417 = songline_5 : "Love is like a cloud. Holds a lot of rain."
@field #10417 = songline_6 : "Love hurts, ooooo, love hurts."
@field #10417 = songline_7 : "I'm young, I know, but even though..."
@field #10417 = songline_8 : "I know a thing or two, I've learned from you."
@field #10417 = songline_9 : "I've really learned a lot, really learned a lot."
@field #10417 = songline_10 : "Love is like a stove, burns you when it's hot."
@field #10417 = songline_11 : "Love hurts, ooooo, love hurts."
@field #10417 = songline_12 : "Some fools think of happiness. Blissfulness. Togetherness."
@field #10417 = songline_13 : "Some fools fool themselves, I guess, but they're not fooling me."
@field #10417 = songline_14 : "I know it isn't true, know it isn't true."
@field #10417 = songline_15 : "Love is just a lie, made to make you blue."
@field #10417 = songline_16 : "Love hurts, ooooo, love hurts."
@field #10417 = songline_17 : (pause)
@field #10417 = songline_18 : ="Little Girl Blue" by The Carpenters.
@field #10417 = songline_19 : "Sit there, and count your fingers. What can you do? Old girl, you're through."
@field #10417 = songline_20 : "Sit there, and count your little fingers, unlucky Little Girl Blue."
@field #10417 = songline_21 : "Sit there and count the raindrops falling on you. It's time you knew..."
@field #10417 = songline_22 : "All you can count on is the raindrops that fall on Little Girl Blue."
@field #10417 = songline_23 : "No use, old girl. You may as well surrender. Your hope is getting slender."
@field #10417 = songline_24 : "Why won't somebody send a tender blue boy to cheer up Little Girl Blue?"
@field #10417 = songline_25 : "When I was very young, the world was younger than I, as merry as a carousel."
@field #10417 = songline_26 : "The circus tent was strong with every star in the sky, above the rings I loved so well."
@field #10417 = songline_27 : "Now the young world has grown old, gone are the silver and gold."
@field #10417 = songline_28 : "No use, old girl. You may as well surrender. Your hope is getting slender."
@field #10417 = songline_29 : "Why won't somebody send a tender blue boy to cheer up Little Girl Blue?"
@field #10417 = songline_30 : (pause)
@field #10417 = songline_31 : ="Sophisticated Lady", by Duke Ellington, Irving Mills and Mitchell Parish.
@field #10417 = songline_32 : "They say into your early life romance came,..."
@field #10417 = songline_33 : "And in this heart of yours burned a flame."
@field #10417 = songline_34 : "A flame that flickered one day and died, away."
@field #10417 = songline_35 : "Then, with disillusion deep in your eyes,..."
@field #10417 = songline_36 : "You learned that fools in love soon grow wise."
@field #10417 = songline_37 : "The years have changed you somehow; I see you now..."
@field #10417 = songline_38 : "Smoking, drinking, never thinking of tomorrow, nonchalant,..."
@field #10417 = songline_39 : "Diamonds shining, dancing, dining with some man in a restaurant."
@field #10417 = songline_40 : "Is that all you really want? No, sophisticated lady, I know,..."
@field #10417 = songline_41 : "You miss the love you lost long ago, and when nobody is nigh you cry."
@field #10417 = songline_42 : (pause)
@field #10417 = songline_43 : ="I'll Follow My Secret Heart" by Noel Coward.
@field #10417 = songline_44 : "I'll follow my secret heart my whole life through."
@field #10417 = songline_44 : "I'll keep all my dreams apart till one comes true."
@field #10417 = songline_45 : "No matter what price is paid, what stars may fade above,..."
@field #10417 = songline_46 : "I'll follow my secret heart, till I find love."
@field #10417 = songline_47 : (pause)
@field #10417 = songline_48 : ="Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" by Otto Harbach.
@field #10417 = songline_49 : "They asked me how I knew, my true love was true?"
@field #10417 = songline_50 : "I, of course, replied: Something here inside, cannot be denied."
@field #10417 = songline_51 : "They said someday you'll find, all who love are blind."
@field #10417 = songline_52 : "When your heart's on fire, you must realize smoke gets in your eyes."
@field #10417 = songline_53 : "So I chaffed them and I gaily laughed, to think they could doubt my love."
@field #10417 = songline_54 : "Yet today, my love has flown away. I am without my love."
@field #10417 = songline_55 : "Now laughing friends deride tears I cannot hide."
@field #10417 = songline_56 : "So I smile and say: When a lovely flame dies, smoke gets in your eyes."
@field #10417 = songline_57 : (pause)
@field #10417 = songline_58 : ="Mimi On The Beach" by Jane Siberry.
@field #10417 = songline_59 : "There's a girl out on the sea floating on a pink surfboard..."
@field #10417 = songline_60 : "With a picnic lunch and parasol sitting there like a typical girl."
@field #10417 = songline_61 : "This is not a locker room, and that's a surfboard, not a yacht. The arrangement's not,
 quite, quite there."
@field #10417 = songline_62 : "But the day was faultless in beauty pitched on tropical scenery..."
@field #10417 = songline_63 : "Stretched from white sand up to the open sky..."
@field #10417 = songline_64 : "Down to the shining sea again and then back to me..."
@field #10417 = songline_65 : "And Mimi on the beach, Mimi on the beach... Mimi and me."
@field #10417 = songline_66 : "I'm still sitting over here. One guy just got up and brayed."
@field #10417 = songline_67 : "They wag their words; they're all in heat. I can ignore it, just don't steam up the view."
@field #10417 = songline_68 : "Mimi's still out on the sea floating on a pink surfboard."
@field #10417 = songline_69 : "She's checking out her arms and legs in case her casing's getting burnt."
@field #10417 = songline_70 : "This is not a locker room and that's a surfboard, not a yacht. The arrangement's not,
 quite, quite there."
@field #10417 = songline_71 : "But the day was faultless in beauty pitched on tropical scenery..."
@field #10417 = songline_72 : "Stretched from white sand up to the open sky..."
@field #10417 = songline_73 : "Down to the shining sea again and then back to me..."
@field #10417 = songline_74 : "And Mimi on the beach, Mimi on the beach... Mimi and me."

alcove (dbref #10427)

@open alcove;sit in alcove;enter alcove;get in alcove;couch;sit on couch;sit = #10333
@odrop #10427 = enters via the alcove, which just revolved 180 degrees through the wall.
@field #10427 = exitto : to Transport Bonanza
@drop #10427 = You stand up again.
@osucc #10427 = sits on the couch. Carnival music plays briefly as the entire alcove revolves clockwise
 through the wall.
@succe #10427 = You sit on the couch. Carnival music plays briefly as the entire alcove revolves clockwise
 through the wall to...
@desc #10427 = @tell("%#","It's a semi-circular alcove set halfway into the wall, containing a semi-circular
 couch. It looks good in this 60s restaurant."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

north (dbref #813)

@open north;n;out;exit;leave;door;front door;doors;glass doors;boardwalk = nowhere
@field #813 = exitto : to Boardwalk
@desc #813 = @tell("%#","Through the large glass doors to the restaurant, you can see a pleasant
 boardwalk."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@succ #813 =
 @eq(@location(781),"%#"),"Wearing the dirty earmuffs, you
 negate the lure of the Siren and leave the restaurant.%c[Or you would,
 if the rest of Djetsetia was created yet. Sorry.]",
 @g("isquiet"),"While the Siren breaks between songs, her spell is broken.
 You quickly dash out the restaurant door before she can resume.
 %c[Or you would, if the rest of Djetsetia was created yet. Sorry.]",
 "Actually, you'd much rather listen to the Siren sing. You really *must* stay."));

Entrance to Science Caves, Neopolis (dbref #10418)

@dig Entrance to Science Caves, Neopolis
@field #10418 = exit_0 : 10428
@field #10418 = nexits : 1
@zone #10418 = #10719
@field #10418 = listen : You hear the sounds of motor traffic to the east.
@desc #10418 = @tell("%#","You're inside the wide entrance of a well-lit
 cave. The cave is natural; the lighting and the batpole going up are not.
 The busy nighttime streets of Neopolis can be seen to the west, and
 the quieter recesses of the cave continue to the west."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

pole (dbref #10428)

@open pole;batpole;slide up pole;slide up batpole;up;u;bat-pole;slide up bat-pole = #10333
@odrop #10428 = comes up the batpole.
@field #10428 = exitto : to Transport Bonanza
@osucc #10428 = slides up the batpole.
@succe #10428 = You slide up the batpole. It must be equipped with hydraulic bat-rams.
@desc #10428 = @tell("%#","It's a batpole that can take you offplanet. Will the wonders of science
 ever cease?"); @call(10633,"each_turn");

west (dbref #779)

@open west;w;in;cave;recess;recesses;go west = nowhere
@succe #779 = [Sorry. This is the only location in Neopolis so far.]
@desc #779 = @tell("%#","If you want to see what's further down in
 the cave, go west."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

east (dbref #780)

@open east;e;out;city;neopolis;street;streets;out;exit = nowhere
@succe #780 = [Sorry. This is the only location in Neopolis so far.]
@desc #780 = @tell("%#","You can only see a few neon lights and some
 traffic from here. From here it looks like downtown in any major Earth
 city at 11pm."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

Outpost Cytosine, Farrock (dbref #10419)

The four chemical units of DNA are Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine and Thymine.

@dig Outpost Cytosine, Farrock
@field #10419 = exit_0 : 10429
@field #10419 = nexits : 4
@field #10419 = exit_1 : 8461
@field #10419 = exit_2 : 8482
@field #10419 = exit_3 : 8485
@zone #10419 = #10719
@desc #10419 = @tell("%#","TODO: Room description."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

circle (dbref #10429)

@open circle;black circle;stand on circle;stand on black circle;step on circle;step on black
 circle;get on circle;get on black circle;enter circle;enter black circle;out;exit;hole = #10333
@odrop #10429 = 's body makes a partial appearance, followed almost immediately by the rest.
@field #10429 = exitto : to Transport Bonanza
@osucc #10429 = is sucked into the black circle, in an unfamiliar direction.
@field #10429 = push : @tell("%#","Your hand dwindles disorientingly to a point, like railroad tracks
 vanishing toward the horizon."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@succe #10429 = You're sucked into the hole in a direction that isn't down, but neither is it one of
 the other directions with which you're familiar.
@desc #10429 = @tell("%#","It's like staring into an eternal void of blackest infinity sucking up
 all life and thought and hope and being -- or, like what you see after getting your face smashed
 in a bar fight. You can pick the metaphor you're most familiar with."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

north (dbref #8461)

@open north;n = #8456
@odrop #8461 = arrives from the south.
@osucc #8461 = wanders off to the north.

southwest (dbref #8482)

@open southwest;sw = #8423
@odrop #8482 = arrives from the northeast.
@osucc #8482 = wanders off to the southwest.

southeast (dbref #8485)

@open southeast;se = #8446
@odrop #8485 = arrives from the northwest.
@osucc #8485 = wanders off to the southeast.

Outpost Adenine, Farrock (dbref #8423)

@dig Outpost Adenine, Farrock
@field #8423 = nexits : 3
@field #8423 = exit_0 : #8488
@field #8423 = exit_1 : #8491
@field #8423 = exit_2 : #8492
@zone #8423 = #10719
@desc #8423 = @tell("%#","TODO: Room description."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@open west;w = #8446
@odrop #8488 = arrives from the east.
@osucc #8488 = wanders off to the west.
west;w has been created as #8488.
@open northeast;ne = #10419
@odrop #8491 = arrives from the southwest.
@osucc #8491 = wanders off to the northeast.
northeast;ne has been created as #8491.
@open southeast;se = #8456
@odrop #8492 = arrives from the northwest.
@osucc #8492 = wanders off to the southeast.
southeast;se has been created as #8492.

Outpost Guanine, Farrock (dbref #8446)

@dig Outpost Guanine, Farrock
@field #8446 = nexits : 3
@field #8446 = exit_0 : #8493
@field #8446 = exit_1 : #8504
@field #8446 = exit_2 : #8519
@zone #8446 = #10719
@desc #8446 = @tell("%#","TODO: Room description."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@open northwest;nw = #10419
@odrop #8493 = arrives from the southeast.
@osucc #8493 = wanders off to the northwest.
northwest;nw has been created as #8493.

@open southwest;sw = #8456
@odrop #8504 = arrives from the northeast.
@osucc #8504 = wanders off to the southwest.
southwest;sw has been created as #8504.

@open east;e = #8423
@odrop #8519 = arrives from the west.
@osucc #8519 = wanders off to the east.
east;e has been created as #8519.

Outpost Thymine, Farrock (dbref #8456)

@dig Outpost Thymine, Farrock
@field #8456 = nexits : 3
@field #8456 = exit_0 : #8469
@field #8456 = exit_1 : #8473
@field #8456 = exit_2 : #8478
@zone #8456 = #10719
@desc #8456 = @tell("%#","TODO: Room description."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

northwest (dbref #8469)

@open northwest;nw = #8423
@odrop #8469 = arrives from the southeast.
@osucc #8469 = wanders off to the northwest.

northeast (dbref #8473)

@open northeast;ne = #8446
@odrop #8473 = arrives from the southwest.
@osucc #8473 = wanders off to the northeast.

south (dbref #8478)

@open south;s = #10419
@odrop #8478 = arrives from the north.
@osucc #8478 = wanders off to the south.