Index / Last updated: Oct 2007

Spaceport | Washrooms

Men's Room (dbref #9219)

All the washrooms are pretty similar. I don't really expect players to change their gender just to get all the lucre, but if that's what they want to do, I'm not going to stop them.

@dig Men's Room
@field #9219 = exit_0 : 10660
@field #9219 = nexits : 2
@field #9219 = exit_1 : 10661
@zone #9219 = #10719
@desc #9219 = @tell("%#","This is the men's washroom, a large two-level
 room featuring all manner of toilets, urinals, sinks, shower stalls, and
 other fixtures obviously designed for non-human use. There's a wall of
 storage lockers in here as well."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

upper east (dbref #10660)

@open upper east;ue;upper = #8905
@odrop #10660 = enters the lounge from the Men's Room.
@field #10660 = exitto : to North Departures
@osucc #10660 = leaves the Men's Room by the upper east exit.
@succe #10660 = You leave the Men's Room by the upper east exit.
@desc #10660 = @tell("%#","That's the exit to the deparature level of the
 spaceport."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

lower east (dbref #10661)

@open lower east;le;lower = #9000
@odrop #10661 = enters the lounge from the Men's Room.
@field #10661 = exitto : to North Arrivals
@osucc #10661 = leaves the Men's Room by the lower east exit.
@succe #10661 = You leave the Men's Room by the lower east exit.
@desc #10661 = @tell("%#","That's the exit to the arrival level of the
 spaceport."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

east (dbref #10734)

@open east;e = nowhere
@set #10734 = dark
@succe #10734 = [Do you mean the upper east exit, or the lower east exit?]
@desc #10734 = [Do you mean the upper east exit, or the lower east exit?]

plumbing (dbref #11667)

@create plumbing;urinals;sinks;toilets;showers;stalls;shower stalls;
 fixtures;other fixtures;bidets;elimination units;cleaning stalls;units
@link #11667 = #9219
@set #11667 = dark
@lock #11667 = #-1
@fail #11667 = @tell("%#","They call them \"fixtures\" for a reason, you
 know."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@desc #11667 = @tell("%#","You see nothing interesting about the plumbing.
 [Well, okay, I suppose that it might be interesting to a plumber, or maybe
 even interesting in a bizarre alien-porcelain voyeuristic fetish sort-of
 way, but c'mon. It's just plumbing.]"); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #11667 = smell : Please don't make me hurt you.
@field #11667 = osmell : thinks twice about an unsavory action.

lockers (dbref #10736)

@create lockers;storage lockers;wall of storage lockers;wall of lockers
@set #10736 = expert
@field #10736 = do_xother : @let("z"=>@getfield(10736,"the_locker"),
 @print(@tell("%#","Locker %z is locked, unlabelled, and won't open."),
 @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#","%n tries to open a locker, but it's
@field #10736 = do_xhis : @tell("%#",@print("Locker %# is locked, but it
 also has your name - '%n' - printed  on it, and it opens at your touch.
 Inside, you see ", @call(10736,"do_xlist"), "."));
 @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#","%n opens a locker and looks inside.");
@field #10736 = do_xmine : @tell("%#",@print("Locker 8796 is unlocked, has
 the name 'DavidW' printed on it, and opens at your touch. Careless for
 him to leave his locker unlocked like that. Inside, you see ",
 @call(10736,"do_xlist"), ".")); @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#","%n opens
 a locker and looks inside.");
@field #10736 = do_xroom : @let("z"=>@getfield(10736,"the_locker"),
 @tell("%#",@print("Locker %z is unlocked and opens at your touch. Inside,
 through a thick pane of glass, you see a static image of someplace else,
 someplace called '", @shortname("%z"), "'.")));
 @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#","%n opens a locker and looks inside.");
@field #10736 = do_xplayer : @let("z"=>@getfield(10736,"the_locker"),
 @tell("%#",@print("Locker %z is locked, has the name '", @shortname("%z"),
 "' printed on it, and won't open.")));
 @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#","%n tries to open a locker, but it's
@lock #10736 = #-1
@field #10736 = do_xlist : @let("z"=>@getfield(10736,"the_locker"),@print(
 @setfield(10467,"tmplist", @fieldloop(10467,"in_locker%z_",@print(
 @shortname("%v"), ", "))), @switch(@strlen(@getfield(10467,"tmplist")),
@field #10736 = the_locker : 15
@zone #10736 = #10719
@desc #10736 = @tell("%#","There's over 10,000 lockers here, stacked in
 neat rows. Altogether, they form a wall that's ten feet tall. You could
 look at each locker individually, if you know the locker's number.");

look at locker * (dbref #10737)

@action look at locker *;examine locker *;look in locker *;open locker *;
 look locker *;x locker *;l at locker *;l in locker *;l locker * = lockers
 : nowhere
@set #10737 = puzzle
@succe #10737 = @setfield(10736,"the_locker",@add(0,"%0"));
 @let("z"=>@add(0,"%0"),@switch(1, @eq("%z",0),@tell("%#","Individual
 lockers must be referred to by number."),
 @eq(@type("%z"),2),@call(10736,"do_xplayer"), @call(10736,"do_xother")));

take * from locker * (dbref #10738)

@action take * from locker *;get * from locker *;remove * from locker *;
 grab * from locker *;take * from *;get * from *;remove * from *;
 grab * from * = lockers : nowhere
@set #10738 = puzzle
@succe #10738 = @let("y"=>@object(10467,"%0"),"z"=>@add(0,"%1"),@switch(1,
 @eq("%0","all"),@tell("%#","Sorry, you can't use multiple objects with
 that verb."), @eq("%z",0),@tell("%#","Individual lockers must be referred
 to by number"), @or(@eq("%z",8796),@eq("%z","%#")),@switch(1,
 @tell("%#","You don't see that in locker %z."),
 @print(@tell("%#",@print("You take the ", @shortname("%y"), " from locker
 %z.")), @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print("%n takes a ",
 @shortname("%y"), " from a locker.")), @move("%y","%#"),
 @setfield(10467,"in_locker%z_%y",""))), @eq(@type("%z"),1),@tell("%#",
 @print("The glass window prevents you from taking anything from the place
 called '", @shortname("%z"), "' seen inside locker %z.")), @tell("%#","But
 locker %z is locked!"))); @call(10633,"each_turn");

put * in locker * (dbref #10739)

@action put * in locker *;place * in locker *;drop * in locker *;
 put * into locker *;place * into locker *;drop * into locker *;
 insert * into locker *;insert * in locker *;insert * into *;insert * in *;
 put * into *;place * into *;drop * into *;put * in *;place * in *;
 drop * in * = lockers : nowhere
@set #10739 = puzzle
@succe #10739 = @let("y"=>@object("%#","%0"),"z"=>@add(0,"%1"),@switch(1,
 @eq("%0","all"),@tell("%#","Sorry, you can't use multiple objects with
 that verb."), @eq("%y",-1),@tell("%#","But you're not holding that, are
 you?"), @eq("%z",0),@tell("%#","Individual lockers must be referred to by
 number"), @or(@eq("%z",8796),@eq("%z","%#")),@switch(1,
 @print(@tell("%#",@print("You put the ", @shortname("%y"),
 " into locker %z.")), @tellroom(@location("%#"),"%#",@print("%n puts %p ",
 @shortname("%y"), " into a locker.")), @move("%y",10467),
 @setfield(10467,"in_locker%z_%y","%y")), @tell("%#",@print("The ",
 @shortname("%y"), " refuses to go into the locker. Perhaps because it
 isn't native to the Cosmic Encounter Realm."))),
 @eq(@type("%z"),1),@tell("%#",@print("The glass window prevents you from
 putting anything into the place called '", @shortname("%z"), "' seen
 inside locker %z.")), @tell("%#","But locker %z is locked!")));

dirty lucre (dbref #10712)

@create dirty lucre;lucre;dirty coin;coin;dl
@field #10712 = reset : @move(10712,9219)
@zone #10712 = #10719
@desc #10712 = @getfield(10710,"description")

Women's Room (dbref #9432)

@dig Women's Room
@field #9432 = exit_0 : 10664
@field #9432 = nexits : 2
@field #9432 = exit_1 : 10665
@zone #9432 = #10719
@desc #9432 = @tell("%#","This is the women's washroom, a large two-level
 room featuring all manner of toilets, bidets, sinks, shower stalls, and
 other fixtures obviously designed for non-human use. There's a wall of
 storage lockers in here as well."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

upper east (dbref #10664)

@open upper east;ue;upper = #8982
@odrop #10664 = enters the lounge from the Women's Room.
@field #10664 = exitto : to South Departures
@osucc #10664 = leaves the Women's Room by the upper east exit.
@succe #10664 = You leave the Women's Room by the upper east exit.
@desc #10664 = @tell("%#","That's the exit to the deparature level of the
 spaceport."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

lower east (dbref #10665)

@open lower east;le;lower = #9075
@odrop #10665 = enters the lounge from the Women's Room.
@field #10665 = exitto : to South Arrivals
@osucc #10665 = leaves the Women's Room by the lower east exit.
@succe #10665 = You leave the Women's Room by the lower east exit.
@desc #10665 = @tell("%#","That's the exit to the arrival level of the
 spaceport."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

east (dbref #10732)

@open east;e = nowhere
@set #10732 = dark
@succe #10732 = [Do you mean the upper east exit, or the lower east exit?]
@desc #10732 = [Do you mean the upper east exit, or the lower east exit?]

plumbing (dbref #11668)

@create plumbing;urinals;sinks;toilets;showers;stalls;shower stalls;
 fixtures;other fixtures;bidets;elimination units;cleaning stalls;units
@link #11668 = #9432
@set #11668 = dark
@lock #11668 = #-1
@fail #11668 = @tell("%#","They call them \"fixtures\" for a reason, you
 know."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@desc #11668 = @tell("%#","You see nothing interesting about the plumbing.
 [Well, okay, I suppose that it might be interesting to a plumber, or maybe
 even interesting in a bizarre alien-porcelain voyeuristic fetish sort-of
 way, but c'mon. It's just plumbing.]"); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #11668 = smell : Please don't make me hurt you.
@field #11668 = osmell : thinks twice about an unsavory action.

lockers (dbref #10744)

@create lockers;storage lockers;wall of storage lockers;wall of lockers
@set #10744 = expert
@lock #10744 = #-1
@zone #10744 = #10719
@desc #10744 = @tell("%#","There's over 10,000 lockers here, stacked in
 neat rows. Altogether, they form a wall that's ten feet tall. You could
 look at each locker individually, if you know the locker's number.");

look at locker * (dbref #10745)

@action look at locker *;examine locker *;look in locker *;open locker *;
 look locker *;x locker *;l at locker *;l in locker *;l locker * = lockers
 : nowhere
@set #10745 = puzzle
@succe #10745 = @call(10737,"success")

take * from locker * (dbref #10746)

@action take * from locker *;get * from locker *;remove * from locker *;
 grab * from locker *;take * from *;get * from *;remove * from *;
 grab * from * = lockers : nowhere
@set #10746 = puzzle
@succe #10746 = @call(10738,"success")

put * in locker * (dbref #10747)

@action put * in locker *;place * in locker *;drop * in locker *;
 put * into locker *;place * into locker *;drop * into locker *;
 insert * into locker *;insert * in locker *;insert * into *;
 insert * in *;put * into *;place * into *;drop * into *;put * in *;
 place * in *;drop * in * = lockers : nowhere
@set #10747 = puzzle
@succe #10747 = @call(10739,"success")

smudged lucre (dbref #10713)

@create smudged lucre;lucre;smudged coin;coin;sl
@field #10713 = reset : @move(10713,9432)
@zone #10713 = #10719
@desc #10713 = @getfield(10710,"description")

Unmen's Room (dbref #9223)

This is the washroom for neuter players and neuter aliens.

@dig Unmen's Room
@field #9223 = exit_0 : 10662
@field #9223 = nexits : 2
@field #9223 = exit_1 : 10663
@zone #9223 = #10719
@desc #9223 = @tell("%#","This is the unmen's - that is, neuters' -
 washroom, a large two-level room featuring all manner of elimination
 units, cleaning stalls, and other fixtures obviously designed for AIs and
 non-humans. There's a wall of storage lockers in here as well.");

upper west (dbref #10662)

@open upper west;uw;upper = #8905
@odrop #10662 = enters the lounge from the Unmen's Room.
@field #10662 = exitto : to North Departures
@osucc #10662 = leaves the Unmen's Room by the upper west exit.
@succe #10662 = You leave the Unmen's Room by the upper west exit.
@desc #10662 = @tell("%#","That's the exit to the deparature level of the
 spaceport."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

lower west (dbref #10663)

@open lower west;lw;lower = #9000
@odrop #10663 = enters the lounge from the Unmen's Room.
@field #10663 = exitto : to North Arrivals
@osucc #10663 = leaves the Unmen's Room by the lower west exit.
@succe #10663 = You leave the Unmen's Room by the lower west exit.
@desc #10663 = @tell("%#","That's the exit to the arrival level of the
 spaceport."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

west (dbref #10733)

@open west;w = nowhere
@set #10733 = dark
@succe #10733 = [Do you mean the upper west exit, or the lower west exit?]
@desc #10733 = [Do you mean the upper west exit, or the lower west exit?]

plumbing (dbref #11669)

@create plumbing;urinals;sinks;toilets;showers;stalls;shower stalls;
 fixtures;other fixtures;bidets;elimination units;cleaning stalls;units
@link #11669 = #9223
@set #11669 = dark
@lock #11669 = #-1
@fail #11669 = @tell("%#","They call them \"fixtures\" for a reason, you
 know."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@desc #11669 = @tell("%#","You see nothing interesting about the plumbing.
 [Well, okay, I suppose that it might be interesting to a plumber, or maybe
 even interesting in a bizarre alien-porcelain voyeuristic fetish sort-of
 way, but c'mon. It's just plumbing.]"); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #11669 = smell : Please don't make me hurt you.
@field #11669 = osmell : thinks twice about an unsavory action.

lockers (dbref #10740)

@create lockers;storage lockers;wall of storage lockers;wall of lockers
@set #10740 = expert
@lock #10740 = #-1
@zone #10740 = #10719
@desc #10740 = @tell("%#","There's over 10,000 lockers here, stacked in
 neat rows. Altogether, they form a wall that's ten feet tall. You could
 look at each locker individually, if you know the locker's number.");

look at locker * (dbref #10741)

@action look at locker *;examine locker *;look in locker *;open locker *;
 look locker *;x locker *;l at locker *;l in locker *;l locker * = lockers
 : nowhere
@set #10741 = puzzle
@succe #10741 = @call(10737,"success")

take * from locker * (dbref #10742)

@action take * from locker *;get * from locker *;remove * from locker *;
 grab * from locker *;take * from *;get * from *;remove * from *;
 grab * from * = lockers : nowhere
@set #10742 = puzzle
@succe #10742 = @call(10738,"success")

put * in locker * (dbref #10743)

@action put * in locker *;place * in locker *;drop * in locker *;
 put * into locker *;place * into locker *;drop * into locker *;
 insert * into locker *;insert * in locker *;insert * into *;insert * in *;
 put * into *;place * into *;drop * into *;put * in *;place * in *;
 drop * in * = lockers : nowhere
@set #10743 = puzzle
@succe #10743 = @call(10739,"success")

grimy lucre (dbref #10714)

@create grimy lucre;lucre;grimy coin;coin;gl
@field #10714 = reset : @move(10714,9223)
@zone #10714 = #10719
@desc #10714 = @getfield(10710,"description")

Hamen's Room (dbref #9437)

This is the washroom for hermaphrodite players and hermaphrodite aliens. The word 'hamen' is my own invention, where the 'ha-' part is short for hermaphrodite.

@dig Hamen's Room
@field #9437 = exit_0 : 10666
@field #9437 = nexits : 2
@field #9437 = exit_1 : 10667
@zone #9437 = #10719
@desc #9437 = @tell("%#","This is the hamen's - or hermaphrodites' -
 washroom, a large two-level room featuring all manner of toilets, urinals,
 bidets, sinks, shower stalls, and other fixtures obviously designed for
 non-human use. There's a wall of storage lockers in here as well.");

upper west (dbref #10666)

@open upper west;uw;upper = #8982
@odrop #10666 = enters the lounge from the Hamen's Room.
@field #10666 = exitto : to South Departures
@osucc #10666 = leaves the Hamen's Room by the upper west exit.
@succe #10666 = You leave the Hamen's Room by the upper west exit.
@desc #10666 = @tell("%#","That's the exit to the deparature level of the
 spaceport."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

lower west (dbref #10667)

@open lower west;lw;lower = #9075
@odrop #10667 = enters the lounge from the Hamen's Room.
@field #10667 = exitto : to South Arrivals
@osucc #10667 = leaves the Hamen's Room by the lower west exit.
@succe #10667 = You leave the Hamen's Room by the lower west exit.
@desc #10667 = @tell("%#","That's the exit to the arrival level of the
 spaceport."); @call(10633,"each_turn");

west (dbref #10731)

@open west;w = nowhere
@set #10731 = dark
@succe #10731 = [Do you mean the upper west exit, or the lower west exit?]
@desc #10731 = [Do you mean the upper west exit, or the lower west exit?]

plumbing (dbref #11670)

@create plumbing;urinals;sinks;toilets;showers;stalls;shower stalls;
 fixtures;other fixtures;bidets;elimination units;cleaning stalls;units
@link #11670 = #9437
@set #11670 = dark
@lock #11670 = #-1
@fail #11670 = @tell("%#","They call them \"fixtures\" for a reason, you
 know."); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@desc #11670 = @tell("%#","You see nothing interesting about the plumbing.
 [Well, okay, I suppose that it might be interesting to a plumber, or maybe
 even interesting in a bizarre alien-porcelain voyeuristic fetish sort-of
 way, but c'mon. It's just plumbing.]"); @call(10633,"each_turn");
@field #11670 = smell : Please don't make me hurt you.
@field #11670 = osmell : thinks twice about an unsavory action.

lockers (dbref #10748)

@create lockers;storage lockers;wall of storage lockers;wall of lockers
@set #10748 = expert
@lock #10748 = #-1
@zone #10748 = #10719
@desc #10748 = @tell("%#","There's over 10,000 lockers here, stacked in
 neat rows. Altogether, they form a wall that's ten feet tall. You could
 look at each locker individually, if you know the locker's number.");

look at locker * (dbref #10749)

@action look at locker *;examine locker *;look in locker *;open locker *;
 look locker *;x locker *;l at locker *;l in locker *;l locker * = lockers
 : nowhere
@set #10749 = puzzle
@succe #10749 = @call(10737,"success")

take * from locker * (dbref #10750)

@action take * from locker *;get * from locker *;remove * from locker *;
 grab * from locker *;take * from *;get * from *;remove * from *;
 grab * from * = lockers : nowhere
@set #10750 = puzzle
@succe #10750 = @call(10738,"success")

put * in locker * (dbref #10751)

@action put * in locker *;place * in locker *;drop * in locker *;
 put * into locker *;place * into locker *;drop * into locker *;
 insert * into locker *;insert * in locker *;insert * into *;insert * in *;
 put * into *;place * into *;drop * into *;put * in *;place * in *;
 drop * in * = lockers : nowhere
@set #10751 = puzzle
@succe #10751 = @call(10739,"success")

grungy lucre (dbref #10715)

@create grungy lucre;lucre;grungy coin;coin;gl
@field #10715 = reset : @move(10715,9437)
@zone #10715 = #10719
@desc #10715 = @getfield(10710,"description")

Locker Room (dbref #10467)

No player should be able to visit this room. It exists to serve as the "inside" of the lockers. Yes, the inside of all the lockers.

@dig Locker Room
@field #10467 = in_locker8796_10362 : 10362
@zone #10467 = #10719
@desc #10467 = Hey! What are you doing in here?

security ID card (dbref #10362)

The ID card is your key to the Gantry (west of Promenade), the Warp (east of Taxi Stop), and the upper half of Taxi Stop (down from Observation Deck). There are four ID cards here, but you only need one. The others are for other people to use.

@create security ID card;security card;id card;card;sic
@field #10362 = reset : @move(10362,10467);
@zone #10362 = #10719
@desc #10362 = @tell("%#","It says: \"GUEST SECURITY ID - The bearer of
 this ID is authorized to visit selected secure areas of Spaceport Eon.\"
 There's also a hologram of a cone on one corner of the card.");

security ID card (dbref #11163)

@create security ID card;security card;id card;card;sic
@field #11163 = reset : @move(11163,10467);
@zone #11163 = #10719
@desc #11163 = @tell("%#","It says: \"GUEST SECURITY ID - The bearer of
 this ID is authorized to visit selected secure areas of Spaceport Eon.\"
 There's also a hologram of a cone on one corner of the card.");

security ID card (dbref #11164)

@create security ID card;security card;id card;card;sic
@field #11164 = reset : @move(11164,10467);
@zone #11164 = #10719
@desc #11164 = @tell("%#","It says: \"GUEST SECURITY ID - The bearer of
 this ID is authorized to visit selected secure areas of Spaceport Eon.\"
 There's also a hologram of a cone on one corner of the card.");

security ID card (dbref #11165)

@create security ID card;security card;id card;card;sic
@field #11165 = reset : @move(11165,10467);
@zone #11165 = #10719
@desc #11165 = @tell("%#","It says: \"GUEST SECURITY ID - The bearer of
 this ID is authorized to visit selected secure areas of Spaceport Eon.\"
 There's also a hologram of a cone on one corner of the card.");